Tuesday, August 31, 2010

School Limits Streaming Bandwidth

Goodbye and thank you super nanny !!!!!

And yes ... .. there have 3 years ... it's also saying goodbye to her beloved nanny ... but his family has heart ...

We had chosen Laurence, because you immediately seen when we first met Lohan as a person ... you know how to see beyond the trisomy and the fear it arouses ... A disability your side, we found head to your side, we saw Lohan grow and flourish ... you know share our joys but our doubts ...

so hard to find the words to say goodbye and thanks ... words to live up to your work ... words worthy of your house full of love ... not having the eyes sting thinking back to moments spent, services rendered ... to Alain, your children, Kevin, Fiona and Naeve, a perfect reflection of your values ... Thanks also to Nicolas, and parents of playmates Lohan warned in nanny ... with a special thought to Emma ...

Go up the hearts! because 3 years later, he is cons very easy to say that no one but you could not accommodate our little Lohan both ...!!! You were just made, one for the other ...
So we embrace you very much! and see you soon!


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